Saturday, April 04, 2009

Easy Go; Easy Come

If you are an investor, how long before 2008 did it take for your investment holdings to double? It is something important to know because if you have lost 50% of your net portfolio in the last 12 to 15 months, you will need a 100% gain (or doubling) just to get back to where you were before this all began. Did it take 5 years to gain 100%? Eight? Ten? Twelve? Never?

Will you ever be as wealthy again as you were at the begining of 2008?

Here's some hope.

There are about 250 trading days in the New York stock market each year. International markets vary but they are all around 250 or so. If your current holdings simply increase 3/10 of 1 Percent (0.30%) every day for a year, you will double you money.

You're back baby!!!!

Does this give you hope? If so, then you need to read This posting from 2005.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for that link to your old post on "hope". If I recall, it was Jesse Jackson whose mantra was "keep hope alive" when he had some Sunday morning show on a major US TV network. Now there is a guy who made his living my making sure his constituents were "hopeful".
