Saturday, September 12, 2009

Connecting the Dots on Electricity

As a blogger since 2004, this is going to be my most important post. The service I try to provide you, my readers, is taking a series of complex data points and embodying them in a story that makes you think. What I offer is simple: Entertainment and Insight.

Something big is about to happen with electricity and it is going to happen soon.

I have selected 3 videos about electricity from TED.COM. Watch them in sequence and tell me if you connect the dots the way I do.

Concept: Shai Agassi wants to put you behind the wheel of an electric car -- but he doesn't want you to sacrifice convenience (or cash) to do it.
What To Watch For: This not about an "invention". This is about a fundamentally new business model for the consumer of automobiles, the auto industry itself and the companies that provide energy.

Concept: Eric Giler has a plan to beam electric power through the air to wirelessly power your laptop or recharge your car. You may never plug in again.
What To Watch For: The live demonstration on stage. It works.

Concept: John La Grou, a long-time electronics inventor, audio designer and entrepreneur, wants to save lives and energy with a new, smarter type of electrical outlet.
What To Watch For: This is the answer to how we can consume electricity for new things (like cars) without increasing our total consumption of electricity. It works.


The last 200 years of human development has been immeasureably accelerated due to cheap and plentiful sources of energy. Cheap compared to doing the work manually or with donkeys-> 1 Barrell of oil = 5.8 million BTUs = 23,200 hours of human labor (agricultural standard). Because energy is so cheap, we have been able to do almost everything with practically nothing. This transformed modern society.

The good news is that limitless, cheap electrical power will remain with us. According to Ray Kurzweil , "We also see an exponential progression in the use of solar energy," he said. "It is doubling now every two years. Doubling every two years means multiplying by 1,000 in 20 years. At that rate we'll meet 100 percent of our energy needs in 20 years. [with solar power]"

In summary:

  1. The new business model for private transportation has been defined and some country somewhere will adopt it.
  2. The ability to transmit electricity wirelessly has been proven, it will now be perfected.
  3. The rate of progression of solar power is an exponential curve.
  4. Legacy forms of energy production are requiring more and more energy to produce energy due to "high grading"
  5. Smart outlets are a bridging technology providing safety and extraordinary savings.

Friday, September 11, 2009

My New Corvette

Probably wouldn't spend the money to own a Corvette but you must admit it is a great looking sports car with a colorful history. Because I am a US Citizen and therefore part of owner of General Motors, I will be one of the first in line to take advantage of the latest offer of a free test drive

More details coming on September 14, but here is what we know now (from above hotlink):

Details of GM's new Satisfaction Guarantee:

· Offer covers 2009 and 2010 Model Year Chevys, Buicks, GMCs and Cadillacs (except medium duty trucks)

· Customers (one per household) can return their vehicle between 31 and 60 days with less than 4,000 miles

· Customers will be informed in writing before they buy the vehicle of the terms of the Satisfaction Guarantee

· Customers must take delivery by Nov. 30

· The Satisfaction Guarantee covers the vehicle purchase price and sales tax, but not other add-ons like accessories, negative equity on a trade-in or other fees; other restrictions apply

· Leased vehicles are not included

· More details are available beginning Monday, Sept. 14, online at [Chevy][Buick][Cadillac][GMC].com/guarantee

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Simple Truths

Too Big To Fail:
HISTORY: The US Government (USG) coined this phrase to apply to US based, multinational financial institutions whom upon failure, would trigger a systematic collapse of society as we know it. In addition, the USG was also sending a strong message to the rest of the world that America is "too big to fail".
IMPLICATIONS: The rest of the world will bail out the US since they cannot afford the alternative.

Convert Debt to Equity:
HISTORY: Rather than the USG "loan" money to "too big to fail" multinationals, it purchased equity (normally preferred shares) in target companies. When the auto companies went bankrupt, the USG wiped out the debt holders, drove the share price to zero, but converted the value of the company to "new equity shares" which it doled out to its political supporters.
IMPLICATIONS: Therefore "debts" whether they be financial or poltical are paid off in equity. China holds $2 Trillion in US treasuries and federal reserve notes. Since we cannot pay them off and will not risk a default, the USG will give Alaska to China.

Who Gets the "First Mover Advantage":
HISTORY: Demographics in developed countries show that there are more and more older citizens and less and less younger citizens as a percentage.
IMPLICATIONS: There will be less and less younger people wanting to buy my stocks, bonds, real estate and other things therefore my nest egg will shrink due to simple supply and demand. So older people (the majority) will vote in politicians who take from the young to give to the old.
IMPLICATIONS 2: In order for the young people to stop getting squeezed by older people there will be a systematic process by which older people are removed from existence and their assets transferred to those who weren't going to buy them in the first place. This process is referred to as "healthcare reform".

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Maxine on Bailouts

*** This post has been removed since the facts are in dispute ***

Thank you to my commentators who have sent disputed evidence. All comments have been removed as well.


Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Pledge Allegiance To Debt

I pledge allegiance to America's debt, and to the Chinese government that lends us money. And to the interest, for which we pay, compoundable, with higher taxes and lower pay until the day we die.

This is worth a visit:

Watch the TV commerical: