Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Parody: The Lord is My Shepherd

The voice of an unemployed 20+ year old with advanced educational degrees living in a certain European country that is very popular in the news these days.

"The EU is my shepherd; I shall not work.
They keepth jobs out of the hands of the people,
Which leadeth the region to class warfare and polarization.
They encourageth sloth; They leadeth the government to new heights in deficit spending.
Yea, though I walk in the shadow of Economic collapse,
I shall fear no depression: for EuroParliament is with me.
Their handouts and monetary indiscretion supplement my income.
They maintainest spending increases in the presence of insurmountable debt;
They punisheth businesses with excessive regulations;
And giveth the hard-earned fruits of labor to the unproductive.
Surely, handouts and stimulus payments shall follow all the days of their reign;
And I will stay a slave forever."

One Man Alone Speaks For The Greek People

For my dear readers from the United States, what if the Chinese government came to the US and started ordering the US President and the US Congress to take certain actions to ensure the debt the US owed China was going to be paid in full?   What if the China demanded changes in the US Constitution to ensure that those orders were fulfilled?   And, what if China inserted their own person as US President because they didn't like the one that was elected by the American people?

Seem absurd?  This is exactly what has happened to the Greek people.  The head of Greece has been inserted by the European Parliament and the debt deals being cast are requiring many changes to the Greek constitution.

In my last post I introduced you to Nigel Farage.  The UK minister to the European Parliament.  The only person I know of that still has a voice. 

Here is Nigel again speaking on behalf of the Greek people:

Make no mistake, this is not about bailing out the Greek people or the Greek Government.  This is about bailing out the people who lent money to Greece.  Go here to get a simple, easy to understand lesson:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5z0rQRdsiE

If you don't want to blame the banks who lent the money then blame the Greek politicians who indebted their country all for the sake of giving money away to their people so they could get re-elected and stay in power.  But don't blame the Greek people.

Watch this very closely because your country is next.