Friday, October 08, 2010

The Great "Re Boot"

I often get asked, "What do you think is going to happen financially and economically"?  Followed by, "Should I be worried"?   The short answer is no.  And this post will tell you why.

First of all, remember that there are many, many powerful people around the world that are fully invested in "the status quo" of how things work.  They will do anything and everything to maintain it.  I am not talking about elected politicians because they are the pawns in this game.  We are talking about the people who really really run things.

But what if the TSHTF?  I can't speak for all countries but the plan for the United States is very clear albeit undocumented, unreported and unspoken.  Dr Martenson (link to the right) often speaks of the 3 big "E"s... Economy, Energy and Environment.   I will outline what I think the plan is covering these three sections.

ECONOMY:  As of this writing, the US Federal Reserve is now the 3rd largest holder of US Government Debt behind China and Japan.  By the end of this year it will be #2.  And while it may not be possible for the FED to hold 100% of all USG debt, it will reach a tipping point.   When that happens, the FED will simply forgive the USG of its debt obligations -- this is referred to as the "big reboot".  If you don't understand how this can reasonably happen please watch these 2 videos.  The US dollar will remain the world's reserve currency, US debt to GDP ratio takes a multiple order of magnitude leap to the positive and no body gets hurt.

ENERGY:  It is documented that if China reaches its full potential, the natural resources required to accomplish this will basically require a second planet.  For decades the US plan is to conserve its own resources and buy energy from other countries now.  Sooner or later the extraction curves of natural resources will peak and the US will still have its own resources, on its own soil, to use (Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Precious Metals for electronics, etc.) while everyone else has depleted their reserves.  These countries will wake up one day and say, "hey we are out of oil.  We sold it to the Americans and all we got in return was little green pieces of paper!"

ENVIRONMENT:  When these 2 things are enacted, their will be disruption in the interconnected network of world commerce.  So country self sufficiency and self protection will be crucial.  Still being the only superpower on the planet, our ability to protect our perimeter is obvious. Inside the US perimeter is the planet's largest reservoir of fresh water (the great lakes) and the mid-west is still the breadbasket of the world.  And, while it may be difficult to get kiwi fruit in February, I think there will be plenty to eat and to drink for the 400 million or so Americans.

If it is hard for you to appreciate the plan shown above, it is perhaps you are too caught up in the zeitgeist of current day distractions.  But a word of warning- There is always pain in transitions.  And, you may need to be a little more independent of the world around you at we go through the worm hole.


  1. Ted, I like your perspective although I find it hard to see the FED forgivng the US it's debt. I believe that we will reach a tipping point in the next few years and have the courage to address our entitlement programs. The mood of the counrty is turning against deficits and we should be in a positoin to seriously address the big 3 entitlements (SS, Medicare and Medicade)

  2. Ted, I'm taking a Globalization class as a part of my eMBA through U of DE. A lot of the items that you post relate to what we are speaking about in class. We are hitting on this topic in particular and how emerging markets are coming to the forefront, as the US continues to struggle. My one questions would be, is it truely beneficial for the FED to simply 'forgive' the US it's debt?
