...gene pool, that is. We have so much in common that seeking common ground should be easy. Let me illustrate.
Occupy Wall Street is amassing substantial funds through donations. With that much money, do you know what you have to do? Easy... set up a bureaucracy and set up a bank... And guess what happens... even in the OWS movement there are now the haves and have-nots. Read it here.
The US criticizes nations that treat their people poorly (human rights) yet feels perectly comfortable using a drone to kill a US citizen that it doesn't like. The act is clearly illegal but apparently if you do it in another country and make the kill from long distance it is ok-- even if you take a few other people to their death at the same time (but they weren't US citizens, so it doesn't count as much).
Other countries criticize the US for allowing its monetary policies and regulated financial system to bring the financial world to the brink of disaster in 2008. The fact that the US government forced its banks to lend to people who could never pay back their loans is absolutely outrageous! Now we sit and wait as the EU will give (it is not a loan because they will never pay it back) Greece another $8B to pay next months bills.
Western countries (EU and US) delight in their participation in the removal of evil, murderous dictators in Middle Eastern and Northern Africa nations only to have those despots replaced by groups of murderous mobs.
China is criticized for manipulating its currency while at the same time the US Federal Reserve floods the world with trillions of newly printed dollars.
Todays financial markets are schizophrenic because of "all the uncertainty". This is absurb. The sequence of events for the future are obvious. Make you plans accordingly. The world is very predictable because we are all the same, behaving in the same way, thinking the same thoughts, and dreaming the same dreams.
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