Greece can't implement new austerity tax plans because they ran out of ink to print the forms...
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Greece can't implement new austerity tax plans because tax collectors plan to go on strike due to additional work load and threats of lay offs...
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Greek Citizens block access to Finance Ministry not allowing European officials to examine "the financial books" of Greece to see if they are cheating on their promises...
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The last story is almost too much to believe. EU officials actually need to see hard copy documents? You mean Greece does all its accounting on paper and there are no faxes? You mean EU officials couldn't access the Greek Government Systems? They had to travel to Greece personally?
This must explain why there was no ink left to print new tax forms it all went to printing government records on paper.
That is the problem with the Euro... if Greece had their own currency they could use all their ink printing money instead of paper records and tax forms. Rather than borrowing money from the EU and IMF, they could just keep printing money and giving it to their people-- it's the American way.
Your irony kills me.