Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Customer Relations

This post is an addendum to:

And is based on a new article reported here: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20090728/D99NE5E00.html

Here is your bottom line:

"Obama dispatched his top economic officials - Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, National Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers, White House budget director Peter Orszag and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke - to try to reassure China that the U.S. will not let deficits or inflation jeopardize the value of Chinese investments.
U.S. briefers said the president's team told the Chinese that the United States was committed to making sure the economic and monetary stimulus being used to fight the recession did not fuel inflation.

The Chinese, who have the largest foreign holdings of U.S. Treasury debt at $801.5 billion, have been expressing worries that soaring deficits could spark inflation or a sudden drop in the value of the dollar, thus jeopardizing their investments. Chinese officials said those concerns were raised during Monday's talks."

What do you think happened? Vote here with your reply:

(A) The Chinese accepted the words of the US government officials because they like fancy speeches and are enamored with clever Americans.
(b) The Chinese asked for and got financial concessions (like inflation protection) for their $800+B investment
(c) The US offered to sell Alaska (after all the US is not using it for anything) to the Chinese for all the US Dollars held by the Central Bank of China and the retirement of all US Debt held by the Chinese
(d) The US Government told China that they (China) were really screwed because we plan to crash the dollar and not pay on any of the debt. [Known as the Argentina Solution]

You can reply anonymously, so let's hear your vote.


  1. Could be "B", but considering the keystone cops that we have in DC, it'll be "D".

  2. It's "B", plain as can be.
